Estate Planning

Estate Planning for Minors

Estate Planning for Minors in New York At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder law,

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Estate planning at different ages
Estate Planning

Estate planning at different ages

Estate Planning at Different Ages At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder law, wills, and

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Probate litigation

Probate litigation

Probate Litigation: New York Probate Lawyer Dealing with the loss of a loved one is challenging enough without the added stress of handling their estate.

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Inheritance Dispute

Inheritance Disputes

Inheritance Dispute Lawyer in New York Inheritance disputes can be highly complex and emotionally charged, particularly when family members are involved. If a loved one

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Will contest

Will Contest

Will Contest Lawyer in New York Challenging the validity of a will can be a complex and emotional process. At Morgan Legal Group, located in

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Guardianship Proceedings

Guardianship Proceedings

New York Guardianship Proceedings Guardianship proceedings are crucial in protecting the rights and assets of incapacitated individuals. In many cases, an incapacitated person may fall

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Navigating Estate Litigation and Trust Administration in New York Estate and trust administration issues can be complex, especially when dealing with asset accounting and managing

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Estate Litigation Law

Estate Litigation Law

Expert Estate Litigation in New York with Morgan Legal Group Estate litigation involves numerous challenges, particularly when you’re coping with the loss of a loved

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Trust Reformation

Trust Reformation

New York Trust Reformation Lawyer Trust reformation is a complex process that involves modifying a trust to correct issues and ensure it aligns with the

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Spousal right of election lawyer New York

Spousal Right of Election

Spousal Right of Election in New York Understanding the spousal right of election is crucial for protecting the inheritance rights of a surviving spouse. At

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Real Estate Partition Action

Real Estate Partition Action

Real Estate Partition Action Real estate partition actions can be complex and emotionally charged, particularly when multiple parties own property and cannot agree on its

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Protection of Beneficiary Rights

Protection of Beneficiary Rights

Protection of Beneficiary Rights Ensuring the rights of beneficiaries is a critical aspect of estate planning and administration. At Morgan Legal Group, located in New

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Fraudulent Transfer Attorney

Fraudulent Transfers

Fraudulent Transfer Attorney in New York Cases involving fraudulent transfers and undue influence in estate law can be complex and emotionally charged. These situations often

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Contested Powers of Attorney

Contested Powers of Attorney

Contested Powers of Attorney in New York A power of attorney (POA) is a crucial document that grants legal authority to another party (agent) to

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Estate Litigation

Estate Litigation

Comprehensive Estate Litigation Services by Morgan Legal Group At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder

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Real Estate Litigation

Real Estate Litigation

Comprehensive Real Estate Litigation Services by Morgan Legal Group At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship,

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Fireworks laws NY
Estate Planning

Fireworks Laws

Understanding Fireworks Laws in New York At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder law, wills,

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Family Law

Family Law

Comprehensive Family Law Services at Morgan Legal Group At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder

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Divorce Practice


Understanding Divorce in New York Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court. In New York, divorce can be complex, involving various

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What is Credit Life Insurance in New York 2024?
Estate Planning

What is credit life insurance?

What is Credit Life Insurance in New York 2024? At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship,

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Life Insurance and Probate
Estate Planning

Life insurance and probate

Life Insurance and Probate: Understanding the Connection At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder law,

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How to make good estate plans
Estate Planning

How to make good estate plans

How to Make Good Estate Plans in New York 2024 At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate,

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The Importance of Estate Planning in New York
Estate Planning

Importance of estate planning

The Importance of Estate Planning in New York At Morgan Legal Group, located in New York City, we specialize in estate planning, probate, guardianship, elder

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5 Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples & Details!

While estate planning is necessary for every individual irrespective of the assets they own, it is a must for the unmarried couple too. For various reasons, the number of couples staying together without marriage is increasing day by day and while marriage brings several legal rights such as joint tax filing, social security, inheritance, immigration status, etc., committed (unmarried) couples don’t have these rights. If you are an unmarried couple who are sharing your property with each other, you still don’t have any legal right on the property and the person as well. For such couples, estate planning is must as without it you will neither be able to inherit from each other nor be able to take decisions on each other’s behalf, in case anyone gets incapacitated.

Estate Planning-

Estate planning for married couples can seem pretty straightforward because it relies on long-standing, proven legal and tax strategies while for unmarried couples it requires individual approach. In such cases if you die without a will, then the state court will decide who will inherit your assets among your family or relatives and your domestic partner will not get anything. You can’t rely on state court laws as they will not favour the surviving domestic partner and hence, an estate plan is essential to protect the person to whom you are committed. While the state laws favours marriage, we have summarized top 5 tips of estate planning for an unmarried couple:

5 Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples-

1. Protecting your real estate:

A good estate plan is the one which avoids probate and ensures that your assets go to the people as desired by you as without it, the intestacy law will decide who will inherit your assets through probate. There are some methods to avoid probate. The first is you can place your assets in a ‘Living Trust’ or in a joint trust along with your partner. The trust ensures the transfer of the assets to the partner outside probate after your demise or incapacity as your partner would be the successor trustee to manage the estate after you.

Another way is joint tenancy i.e. you can name your partner as joint tenant of the property and you both, together will be the owner of the property. In such case, if one partner dies then the other gets the full ownership of the property with the right of survivorship.

2. Designating your medical and financial power of attorney:

Apart from death, estate planning is also for your lifetime planning and one such instance is planning for your incapacity. A durable power of attorney and a health care directive are such documents that affects you during your lifetime.

By naming your partner in a durable medical and financial power of attorney you can ensure that your partner will take care of your financial and medical affairs on your behalf during your inability. Similarly, by an advance health care directive you can name your partner as your health care proxy to make end-of-life and life sustaining treatment decisions for you. Thus document comprises your wishes regarding the treatment you want and end-of-life decisions during dire medical situations.

3. Beneficiary designations:

In case of insurance policies, bank accounts and retirement plans, you are allowed to name individual(s) as a pay-on-death beneficiary. By naming your partner as beneficiary in aforementioned documents, you can ensure that after your death your wealth will be with your partner. As these designations hold priority over a will or a trust, it is advised to review and update them regularly to ensure the distribution of the assets according to your wish.

4. Digital estate plan:

With the changing technology, the world is changing and so is changing the estate planning. With the more involvement and reliability on social media platforms, it is essential to involve them in your estate plan. It is advised to list out the digital assets along with login details of the social media platforms to enable your partner to access and dispose your online accounts after your death. Digital estate planning ensures that both individuals’ wishes are respected and maintained.

5. Funeral authorization:

Without a marriage, your partner can be excluded from your funeral proceedings in many states. With an estate plan, you can prevent any conflict regarding the claim over funeral proceedings. You can include your partner name in the funeral authorization and cremation/burial instructions in your will or trust.

Many couples decide to stay together without marrying due to several reasons but failing to plan your estate and include your domestic partner in that can cause several consequences, stress and burden for your partner and yourself too. Hence, it is advised to stop thinking that as you are not married and sharing each other’s property means you don’t need any estate planning as it can lead to some serious consequences. Thus, we advise you to seek advice from an estate planning lawyer and start planning your estate now.

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