Top reasons you should consider hiring an estate planning attorney

Top reasons you should consider hiring an estate planning attorney

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There are countless benefits reaped when you leave a delicate matter in the hands of a professional. When an engineer tries to do the job of a doctor, it is highly probable that grave mistakes would be made along the line. Having an experienced estate planning attorney map out your estate plan gives you the assurance and peace of mind that all you need is covered.

An estate lawyer is most especially needful in pointing out the weak points in your estate plan and consequently finding ways to provide coverage for all your assets and future eventualities.

Below are top reasons why you need to consider hiring an estate planning attorney

1. Preventing conflicts and confusion

When you die without a comprehensive estate plan, then some of your assets may just be there without having a beneficiary.  This can cause your surviving family members to squabble over inheritance. It is therefore important that you assess all your assets and address each duly in your estate plan. Your attorney will take the time to carry out financial assessment and plan properly for you.

2. Carrying out incapacity planning

Most people who carry out estate planning on their own only remember to plan for asset bequeathal after death without giving due considerations to incapacity. An attorney who has been doing this a long time knows that incapacity planning is a core aspect of an estate plan, and so will help you prepare powers of attorney, living will, advance healthcare directives, etc. Those instruments enable you to appoint someone to oversee your financial and medical welfare when you become incapacitated.

3. Avoiding mistakes

As is obvious, a doctor doing the job of a plumber is bound to make mistakes. This is what happens when you try to handle legal matters yourself. There are state requirements for executing wills, trust, powers of attorney, etc., and if these requirements are not followed to the letter, they end up in court as void. To be on the safe side, get a lawyer to do it for you.

4. Planning for tax

Currently in New York, an estate tax must be deducted from your estate if you die leaving it at a value of over $5,850,000. It must be paid to the state before your beneficiaries can inherit. The tax can reach up to 16% of the estate. Estates below that threshold value do not have to pay estate tax to the state. This means that you can avoid such taxes by limiting your estate worth below the threshold. Your attorney can help achieve this by gifting parts of your estate to your loved ones yearly as you get older, removing some funds from the estate and setting them up in trusts, etc.

5. Avoiding probate

If you do not wish your family to go through the lengthy and complex court process of probate, you can transfer your assets using trusts. Establishing a trust is more delicate than writing a will, and it is important you seek the assistance of an estate attorney.

6. Financial security for minors

You may think that when you pass away, your minors (children below 18) can simply inherit your property and use them but this is not so. If you are survived by a spouse, your possessions will go to them and your adult children, but not minors. If you are not sure that your minors will be cared for just as you would want, it is important you leave assets in trusts for them or appoint a guardian for them who must care for your minors exactly as you specify in the document until they come of age to claim the inheritance. An estate planning attorney will see to it that this consideration is addressed accordingly.

7. Keeping up with state laws

Estate laws of New York are constantly changing. For example, estate tax exemption amount for 2019 was $5,740,000 and rose to $5,850,000 in 2020 and expected to rise in coming years. The estate planning attorney is always up-to-date with estate laws, and would effect whatever changes in your plan when necessary.

Estate planning attorney near me Cedarhurst, NY 11109

Our law firm offers esteemed legal services to clients all around New York. If you need to speak with an estate planning attorney New York 11109, contact us today.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. The content of this blog may not reflect the most current legal developments. No attorney-client relationship is formed by reading this blog or contacting Morgan Legal Group.

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