estate planning
Estate Planning

Missing Or Deceased estate?

Navigating Missing or Deceased Estate Issues When a beneficiary is missing, or an estate owner passes away without clear directives, handling the estate can become

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Probate Attorney
Estate Planning

The Need-To-Know: Probate Litigation

The Need-To-Know: Probate Litigation in 2024 As we approach 2024, the landscape of probate litigation in New York continues to evolve. Understanding these changes is

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Estate Planning
Estate Planning

The Top Secrets of Estate Accountings

The Top Secrets of NY Estate Accountings 2024 As we move into 2024, estate accounting in New York continues evolving, presenting challenges and opportunities. Understanding

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Estate Planning

Is My Will Legit?

Is My Will Legit? Ensuring Your Will’s Legitimacy in New York Creating a will is a fundamental component of estate planning, but the looming question

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Estate Planning

The Mysteries of Probate Revealed

The Mysteries of Probate Revealed in New York The probate process in New York often seems shrouded in mystery, leaving many to navigate its complexities

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What is Probate in 2024
Estate Planning

What is Probate in 2024?

As the legal landscape continues to evolve, understanding the probate process in New York in 2024 is crucial for effectively managing estate planning and administration.

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Probate Lawyer Queens
Estate Planning

Probate Lawyer Queens

Why You Need a Probate Lawyer in Queens Probate can be complex and daunting, especially in the diverse and dynamic borough of Queens, New York.

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Estate Planning Attorney Brooklyn
Estate Planning

How Does Joint Ownership Work?

How Does Joint Ownership Work? Joint ownership, a common arrangement for co-owning property and assets, offers various benefits and complexities, particularly under New York State

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Estate Planning in New York
Estate Planning

Estate Planning in New York 2024

Estate Planning in New York 2024: Navigating Changes and Protecting Your Legacy As we approach 2024, the estate planning landscape in New York continues to

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will attorney
Estate Planning

Why do You Need A Will?

Why Do You Need A Will ASAP? The thought of drafting a will often brings a sense of unease, conjuring notions of morbidity or the

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A guardian or a conservator is a person who handles the affairs of another individual called a ward. A guardian is sometimes referred to as a conservator. However, their roles in estate slightly differs. While a guardian handles a ward personal matter, like healthcare, feeding and other basic supervisions, a conservator handles a ward finances, this could include, estate properties, bank accounts, investment and several others. Basically, a ward who is a minor is legally not permitted to handle large finances or inherited estate. The court at this point would assign a conservator to oversee the estate among other inherited properties. Guardians and conservator play very important roles. The court however would ensure that only the proper type of guardianship relationship is approved for the ward. Careful considerations are given to the wards need in order to appoint a suitable guardian.

Note: The ward maybe a minor needing a conservator for financial management or an aged individual with special needs. Peradventure, an aged individual requiring special medical care do not have legal documents dictating who the guardian should be, a court supervised guardianship would be imposed. The probate judge would go ahead to appoint a legal guardian.

Here are some of the roles of a legal guardian if the ward is a minor.

Handling personal care of the minor.

The guardian is responsible for personal care of the minor ward. This includes paying for education, health and other maintenance. Asides these, the legal guardian would train, correct the ward when there’s need while also ensuring adequate protection of the ward. Money used to pay for medical bills, feeding, education, vacation or other expenses is typically obtained from inherited estate, sale of assets or liquidation of inherited estate properties. In case the ward’s parent still lives, they would make funds available to the guardian to handle the minor’s care, thus there would be no need to touch any inherited assets.

Handling assets and finances belonging to the ward.

All properties or estate belonging to the ward will be controlled by the appointed guardian. The guardian will look to make the best of the ward’s finances and estate by selecting the right investment or secured place to keep the assets till the ward can legally handle it. Furthermore, the guardian would handle paying off expenses or taxes incurred on the estates inherited by the ward. Typically guardian appointed to this role are financially inclined and perhaps financial experts or advisors.

Note; the legal guardian will typically act on the orders of the court in accordance with type of guardianship relationship approved.

Deciding where the ward will live.

This is sometimes included in the duties of the legal guardian. The guardian decides where the minor ward should live. Oftentimes, parents of wards leave behind houses in which they would want their minor children to live. When appointing a guardian, the court ensures that these wishes are implemented. However, when there is no document stating where the minor should live, the guardian will decide the best place for the kid. Usually, the ward would stay with the appointed guardian.

Note, guardianship or conservatorship for the minor is terminated at 21 years. At this age, it believed that the minor would be able to handle personal care and asset inherited.

Make a proper estate plan to decide a guardian for your ward.

As parents, you need to consider making plans for suitable guardians for your minor. Through proper estate documents, you can adequately state your wish and desire. Contact a guardianship attorney for guide on the necessary paper work.

Key notes.

The guardianship attorney is always on hand to give advises to both the legal guardian and ward. The attorney would constantly remind the wards of his rights and also prevent any cause of actions against the ward’s or guardians legal rights as the case maybe.

Contact a guardianship attorney near you in New York City.

Asides providing necessary paperwork and documents, our guardianship attorney can contest any imposed guardianship or court supervised guardianship. In a nutshell, our attorney would defend your interest, whether you are a ward or an appointed legal guardian.

Contact an attorney closest to you today in New York City.

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