estate planning
Estate Planning

Missing Or Deceased estate?

Navigating Missing or Deceased Estate Issues When a beneficiary is missing, or an estate owner passes away without clear directives, handling the estate can become

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Probate Attorney
Estate Planning

The Need-To-Know: Probate Litigation

The Need-To-Know: Probate Litigation in 2024 As we approach 2024, the landscape of probate litigation in New York continues to evolve. Understanding these changes is

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Estate Planning
Estate Planning

The Top Secrets of Estate Accountings

The Top Secrets of NY Estate Accountings 2024 As we move into 2024, estate accounting in New York continues evolving, presenting challenges and opportunities. Understanding

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Estate Planning

Is My Will Legit?

Is My Will Legit? Ensuring Your Will’s Legitimacy in New York Creating a will is a fundamental component of estate planning, but the looming question

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Estate Planning

The Mysteries of Probate Revealed

The Mysteries of Probate Revealed in New York The probate process in New York often seems shrouded in mystery, leaving many to navigate its complexities

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What is Probate in 2024
Estate Planning

What is Probate in 2024?

As the legal landscape continues to evolve, understanding the probate process in New York in 2024 is crucial for effectively managing estate planning and administration.

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Probate Lawyer Queens
Estate Planning

Probate Lawyer Queens

Why You Need a Probate Lawyer in Queens Probate can be complex and daunting, especially in the diverse and dynamic borough of Queens, New York.

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Estate Planning Attorney Brooklyn
Estate Planning

How Does Joint Ownership Work?

How Does Joint Ownership Work? Joint ownership, a common arrangement for co-owning property and assets, offers various benefits and complexities, particularly under New York State

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Estate Planning in New York
Estate Planning

Estate Planning in New York 2024

Estate Planning in New York 2024: Navigating Changes and Protecting Your Legacy As we approach 2024, the estate planning landscape in New York continues to

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will attorney
Estate Planning

Why do You Need A Will?

Why Do You Need A Will ASAP? The thought of drafting a will often brings a sense of unease, conjuring notions of morbidity or the

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Why You Should Have An Estate Plan

Many people make the mistake of not having an estate plan in place because they believe estate planning to be something for the wealthy, those who have valuable assets and estimable net worths. But this is a fallacy. So long you have something to your name — could be a car, a home or bank account — estate planning is for you as well. Having an estate plan in place helps maximize the value of your property which will be passed down to your heirs (by taking advantage of tax exemption laws), and it gives you the opportunity to make appropriate decisions regarding how your asset will be managed during incapacity or disability. Not having an estate plan can mean trouble for you and your family when the unforeseen occurs. When death or disability comes, there will be conflicting opinions and claims from your family members on how your estate, no matter how small, should be managed or distributed. But when you have an experienced estate planning attorney create for you an estate plan, he puts all unforeseen yet possible occurence into consideration (such as accident, mental diseases, death, etc) and helps you plan towards them so as to avoid unnecessary confusions in the future.

6 Common mistakes in estate planning

1. Not having an estate plan

This is the most common yet gravest mistake in estate planning. A lot of people go about their daily activities everyday and do not find time to ponder about what would become of their hard-earned assets should the inevitable occur. Some people are even afraid to think about death and the possibility of sudden physical or mental disability, and so they fail to make plans towards how their estate will be handled when such things happen.

2. Failing to update your estate plan

After creating an estate plan, situations may change so long you’re still alive. Your business structure can change, you can acquire new assets, divorce can occur, and a new baby can be born into the family. In all of these situations, you have to make changes to your estate plan to accommodate these new developments. For a new birth, you have to update your will to make provision for that child.

3. Ignoring disability

Many people fail to plan for disability since they do not already have it. As bad as it is to think about, accident or disease can render one disabled. It is also common for older adults to develop Alzheimer’s and in such a situation, someone else would have to manage their estate and make medical decisions on their behalf. Why not find time to make plans for such possible eventuality by hiring an NYC estate planning attorney today? He will help you create documents like the Durable Power of Attorney, a Living Will or Trust to appoint a trusted fiduciary who will act on your behalf. You are the one to select that person yourself, someone whose competence you trust.

4. Not updating your beneficiary designations

There are certain assets to which you must designate a beneficiary, such as retirement accounts, life insurance policy, and joint accounts. Such assets pass on to your designated beneficiary whether you have a Will or not. If the designated beneficiary of such an account is your ex you just divorced, or someone who you has passed away, then you need to update your beneficiary designation.

5. Not planning for estate tax exemption

In New York, when you individually own an estate worth more than $5.25 million, your estate would be charged an estate tax up to 16% of its value. Below this amount, your estate would be exempted. So if you find your estate valuing above this threshold, making gifts to reduce its value below that threshold is an intelligent way of escaping estate tax. Many people fail to do this and end up losing a significant portion of their estate to tax authorities. An estate planning lawyer New York is well knowledgeable in New York estate tax laws and will help you find ways in reducing your estate taxes.

6. Doing estate planning by yourself

Estate planning involves many legal and financial laws which you may lack adequate knowledge about. So in trying to draft estate planning documents yourself, you may end up breaching some laws or neglecting some core requirements, thereby making your estate plan void. Also you may not know that there are certain privileges and benefits available to you through some estate planning tools. Only a professional in this field would have sufficient knowledge for making the best beneficial decisions.

Contacting An Estate Planning Attorney Near Me 10037

So why not contact a professional today? Estate planning is a legal matter better left for the law professional, and doing it yourself cause you a lot of difficulty and errors. Contact a qualified New York estate planning attorney near 10037 today to ensure that your best interests for your estate are honored.

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