Sexual Assault

In a statistics released by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network or RAINN, someone in America is victimized by sexual assault every minute. Sexual abuse victims are not limited to a specific gender. Men, women and even members of the LQBTQIA+ community can become a prey to sexual assault and abuse.

It is difficult for most victims and survivors to speak up about their sexual abuse. If you are a survivor who is now ready to come forward, speak out about your history and want to take legal actions against your abuser, our compassionate sexual assault lawyers at Morgan Legal Group P.C in NYC are here to listen to what you would say make sure that your story is heard.

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Reach out to Morgan Legal Group PC to set a consultation about this. We are here to listen and help you heal and together, we will seek justice.

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The Morgan Legal Group PC has represented individuals who have been harmed by the conduct of others as well as corporations.

important things you should know

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Sexual acts or advantages that are unwarranted or force without someone’s consent are considered as a sexual abuse or assault. It is usually coerced. Victims are often threatened and forced by an abuser.

Inappropriate sexual acts like fondling, date or stranger rape, incest or sexual abuse of a child are some of the examples of abuse of sexual nature.

First, always remember that this is your story, you have the power over it and not anyone can get this power away. This power gives you the right when to tell your story. However, please bear in mind that should you finally decide to speak up about your abuse and press charges against your perpetrator, you have to make sure that a year has not lapsed from the time your abuse or assault has happened.

Because of the trauma, survivors tend to shut it all in and refrain from speaking about what happened. However, should the survivor want to report the abuse, they can reach out to the authorities by either dialing 911 or by going to the nearest police station. An alternative is calling the local crisis line for support of psychological and emotional nature. It is also best to have a consultation with sexual assault layers or attorneys to get advice of what charges and legal proceedings one can take against your perpetrator.

In New York, survivors can get a direct reimbursement for healthcare exams used in forensics. This compensation would still ensure that the data of the survivors are kept in utmost secrecy and their privacy is protected. It also makes sure that the survivors of sexual abuse are not paying for their own medical expenditures, may it be for forensics or for any medical attention they needed after their assault. The state also makes sure that preventive measures for HIV are provided to survivors.

Survivors can also file for a crime victim’s compensation application program if other than the forensic exam, other medical or psychiatric services are needed by them. They may also recover or get compensation with loss of personal property, their monthly earnings, and any expenditures with medical and counseling or psychological help incurred when they applied to this program.

Owners of properties like bars, hotels, apartment complex, condominiums, or offices can be held accountable if in case a sexual abuse or assault incurs within their premises. This could mean that they have been negligent with their security and that is why there are incidents like this in their property.

Most often than not, it is the children who are the most vulnerable prey of sexual assaults or abuse. They may get anxiety, depression, or feel guilty that this has happened to them. Parents should keep in mind to be patient with their child and to not force their children to tell them what happened if they are not ready yet.

Make sure that when you talk with your child, you speak with them, with utmost care and denounce and judgement you may have. Be patient and show them your love and compassion. You can request for a rape kit in a when you go to a nearby health facilities you can have your kid tested. Afterwards, you can tell the police about the incident by either calling 911 or directly at a local police station. Let the police and the authorities contact the teacher and though you may want to retaliate and confront them, please refrain from doing so. Of course, consulting a sexual abuse of minors attorneys or lawyers is a must. You will need their expertise for legal advice and representation as you go along the way seeking justice for your child.

First, ensure that the who, what, where and hows of the harassment that took place at work are properly documented. Right now, you may still have second thoughts on what you should do next. This documentation of what happened is important should you ever decide to tell your company or the authorities of your experience.

Remember that each company has a different policy on how to report a sexual assault or abuse within their walls. The first thing to do is to check and review your employee handbook to make sure that the company’s policy on reporting a sexual assault is followed. If you have doubts on the steps you are taking in reporting it in your company, it is advisable to reach out to a sexual assault lawyer or attorney and set up a consultation for advice on your rights and the legal proceedings to take.

Sexual abuse is and always will be unwarranted and unwelcome. When innuendos, jokes or sexual comments in your workplace already makes you feel like it is below the belt, makes you uneasy, and frequently happens, it can already be an abuse of sexual nature. Make it clear to your workmates that these comments or jokes are not wanted. This is crucial as when later, you decide to speak up, it can be added to your report that you already warned your abuser that the innuendos, comments or jokes of sexual nature had made you uneasy and are not welcome.